Over the last few years, I've had the opportunity to read a number of good books, some worthy of a quick scan, and many others that I wouldn't recommend. I've also read some that have been very influential that I will go back to and re-read, study, and use for future ministry and growth. These are few and far between, but here is a sample of that group.
Desiring God, John Piper- "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him." This book might just change the way you see your relationship with God. He does all things for his own glory, but this will only increase your joy in Him.
Holiness, J.C. Ryle (I read the first edition in J.I. Packer's Faithfulness and Holiness. I think the 1st ed. is shorter than the others. Packer himself is a fine author (Knowing God)). Amazingly enough, this was written in the late 1800's in England, but it could have been addressed to today's culture and would have been just as poignant. Straight-forward and powerful about the Christian's maturity and growth.
On the Mortification of Sin in Believers, John Owen. Even older than Ryle's from the 17th century, Owen's classic is the best work on sin that I have read. Originally addressed to teenage boys, it might prove difficult to read today because of the slight difference in English, but updated versions can be purchased from Crossway. Here is a free PDF- http://www.jesus.org.uk/vault/library/owen_mortification.pdf
Let the Nations Be Glad, John Piper. Over the past few months I've read several books on missions, but this is far and away the best. "Missions exists because worship doesn't." (By the way, I would recommend anything by Piper).
Disciplined by Grace, Jerry Bridges. I stumbled on this without any expectations a couple of years ago and the opening chapter grabbed my attention. God does not accept you because of your performance. What a wonderful truth, and even though you might think you live with this understanding and application, Bridges demonstrates how easy it is to slip into this train of thought. How wonderful grace is!
In Christ,
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